we supply the dried rhizomes of Helminthostachys zeylanica from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The roots of this plants are a popular medicine in China, where they are known as " di wu gong" . The....
we supply the rhizomes of helmintostachys zeylanica from southeast sulawesi, Indonesia. The roots of this plants are a popular medicine in China where they are known as " di wu gong" . the plants is....
our chasew nut have high value for next process such as for oil nut process, food process, etcetera
We are company over two years ago who moved on essential oil industry ( pacthouli) stand on Indonesia country. So far, we sell our oil to local market ( Indonesia market) and now we are expanding to....
We have wet ginger ( ginger elephant) . Our stock now = 2 container ( 20 ft) . We can nego about the price.The transaction on Kendari when ready for shipping