Landowners nickel mining concessions covering 3, 234 hectares located in the district of South East Sulawesi province Kolaka. NICKEL levels from 1.16 to 2.75. We need and are looking for investors....
UNDERTAKING: OUT and IN DOOR DOOR Tents, Billboard, Neon Box, Neon Sign, Shop Sign Brand, Billboards, Banners, X-Banners, Banners, Board Names Media Store and Other Publications. SEPARATION / ....
Trijaya Arsitek ( Architectural Aluminium and Glass Specialist) have believed beautify office buildings, shopping centers, showrooms, factories, shops, houses and other public facilities such as....
Jasa Asuransi : 1. Asuransi Ekspor 2. Asuransi Kredit 3. Suretyship ( Penjaminan) 4. Asuransi Umum 5. Asuransi Syariah
UD Alin is a agriculture trading company based in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. We mainly trades cocoa beans, coffee, clove, white pepper and cashew nut.
Karasi made of the composition of the following ingredients: rice flour, eggs and sugar. What is unique is Karasi net shape resembles that folds into rectangular shapes. Karasi is a typical....
This company sells all kinds of existing, but especially selling ebook about the tricks of the internet and computers if you are a frequent visitor to your site / my company, then I will give....
Kami Sebuah Jasa Pelayanan Desain Mulai Dari : - Rumah TInggal Pribadi - Ruko - Perumahan - SiteplaN - 3D RENDERING - 3D Kawasan - RAB
Specification: Ni : 1, 8 % Up Fe : 16 % Moisture : 31 % For detail information, please feel free to contact us.
We have available supply Nickel Ore from Indonesia. Our monthly maximum supply quantity is 100000 WMT. Specification: Ni : 1, 8 % Up Fe : 16 % Moisture : 31 % For detail information, ....
We are a nickel ore miner in Sulawesi, Indonesia. We can supply with quality> 1. 7% up to 1. 85% . Prices may vary from FOB mv Marombo, Lasolo, Konawe Utara, South East Sulawesi. price depends on the....
We are a nickel ore miner in Sulawesi, Indonesia. We can supply with > 1. 7 up to 1. 85. Prices may vary from FOB mv Marombo, Lasolo, Konawe Utara, South East Sulawesi. price depends on the quality.....
npoishcksnhcipoabsova jdnvioanhpo[ vnhwpVNIOnvckdowjbnfvodhgiowehfvoewhfiohdbjfbhdkjvbdsjbvdskjbvkj dsbvkjdbvkjdbkjdbijbjbdskjbdskjgbsjdibvjdsbgvijdbvjdbsvkjbdijvbdkjbvdsjbkjbj ....
BioJANNA is NUTRITION HERBAL BIOLOGICAL formula made from fermented coconut water ( coconut water) and milk by combining the latest technologies mikrobakteri useful for health. This product contains....
Mengatasi Batuk Berdahak dengan Pengobatan Tradisional Setiap manusia pernah mengalami batuk. Batuk memang sejatinya merupakan proses alamiah yang dialami oleh setiap orang. Batuk itu ialah bentuk....
software hardware network and maintenance
We are a team of dynamic Professionals Event Organizer and always update the understanding, which provide Planning, Creating, Organizing, Maximizing an event where we always strive to be the right....
In the nickel ore, ( 1.9% reject 1.85% ) at a price of $ 39 / Metric Ton / Ships, Ports Kendari Stocfile in Southeast Sulawesi as many as 100, 000 Metric Tons.
CV. Raya Pratama is a company engaged in mining and selling the results of the nickel mining, brick, crushed stone and sand.