Our company is a freelance advertising. established in 2007 with the intention of filling the adverting business is still lacking in Kendari. As for our product creation services include billboards, ....
Jasa Asuransi : 1. Asuransi Ekspor 2. Asuransi Kredit 3. Suretyship ( Penjaminan) 4. Asuransi Umum 5. Asuransi Syariah
We are a team of dynamic Professionals Event Organizer and always update the understanding, which provide Planning, Creating, Organizing, Maximizing an event where we always strive to be the right....
Supplier, contractor, developer for east Indonesia which is locate at south east Sulawesi
cv. Primatama Sultra The On Job Printing birth 2004
We invited investors / enterpenuer / multi company for cooperation and development HOTEL in Kendari, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia. With legal agreement and deed as well the distribution of....
Kami menyediakan tempat singgah yang sejuk nyaman dan indah, di kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Lokasi Strategis di Jalan H.A Silondai no 1 Mandongan dekat Mall Mandongan, Bank BII, Danamon, BCA, ....